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  • How do I know if I have air bubbles in the water coming into my facility?
    There are many ways air gets into the water supply as it travels though the pipes from your water supplier. Although water providers try to prevent outside air infusion, air is drawn into the water line in many ways such as during common main line breakages, pumps along the water line, small cracks or damaged joint seals and changes in temperature. Read more: Most water meters measure volume passing through the meter so you are billed for the volume of water plus the air. The WAVE Water Efficiency Valve compresses the air in the pipe as it goes through the meter so you are billed only for water, not water plus air bubbles. This results in up to 30% reduction in water costs. Read more:
  • What are the available sizes of The Wave Valve?
    The Wave Valve is manufactured in the following sizes, plus metric sizes, from 1" to 16." We can also build custom Wave Valves in sizes up to 36 inches.
  • Can I install The Wave Valve technology myself?
    Yes, however WaveLytix recommends a licensed plumber or mechanical contractor install the system. WaveLytix has a team of licensed, certified installers available to install it for you.
  • Will there be a noticeable loss in water pressure after The Wave Valve is installed?
    The water coming from the city is often over-pressurized, causing you to use more water than necessary. Lower water pressure is desirable and typically not enough that guests or customers notice. In most instances the desired pressure drop is between 6 to 8 psi, and the pressure can be adjusted to suit customers’ requirements.
  • How will I know The Wave Valve is working?
    You will know The Wave Valve is working based on the immediate reduction in your volume usage, and a lower water bill.
  • How much will we reduce water use and cost with the WaveLytix system?
    Most clients see an immediate savings reduction between 10-30% and water usage by 6-9%. The results vary by water pressure from the city water supply and size of the installed WAVE Water Valve.
  • Do we need a permit or permission from the city?
    No. The Wave Water Valve and the WaveLytix IOT Water Monitor are installed on the property side of the meter.
  • How long does the WaveLytix system installation take?
    The Wave Valve is typically installed in under an hour per valve, and many times in only 30 minutes. Installation can be scheduled during hours that don’t interrupt your schedule or business. The WaveLytix IoT Monitor can in most cases be installed in under 30 minutes. Deeper vaults will require more time since they will require additional certifications and safety equipment.
  • Where are The Wave Valve and WaveLytix IoT Monitor technology made?
    WaveLytix technology, including the patented Wave Water Efficiency Valve and the IoT Monitor, are manufactured in the USA.
  • How do I know if I have air bubbles in the water coming into my facility?
    There are many ways air gets into the water supply as it travels through the pipes from your water supplier. Although water providers try to prevent outside air infusion, air is drawn into the water line in many ways such as during common main line breakages, pumps along the water line, small cracks or damaged joint seals and changes in temperature. Read more at Most water meters measure volume passing through the meter so you are billed for the volume of water plus the air. The WAVE Water Efficiency Valve compresses the air in the pipe as it goes through the meter so you are billed only for water, not water plus air bubbles. This results in up to 30% reduction in water costs. See how it works at
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